Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Celtx Script Writing Software

The Japanese independent feature film SAKI was 100% outlined & written in Celtx script writing software. Shooting script was in English combined with Japanese dialog. Celtx PDF output didn't support Japanese text but printing directly from Celtx allowed for English & Japanese to coexist on the same page - worked like a charm. SAKI 2 is currently being written in Celtx with the Plot View add-on & iPad Sync!
SAKI: A feature film of a Japanese woman exiled to America, finding herself teaching art to a unique group of students. But when her grandfather visits from Japan, hell comes with him and Saki finds strength in the demons of her artistic expression.
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Here is the trailer for the Japanese independent feature film SAKI - 100% outlined and written in Celtx!