Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Canon's chance to make a splash like the 5D2, don't stumble!

So I'm going to miss the big Canon event on 11/4 and 11/5 (the announcement may still be on 11/3) because I'm lighting a fashion show - balls! But here's what I would want from the next gen motion picture camera (not necessarily what Canon will deliver):

- Compatibility with EOS lenses with electronic aperture and focus control - Canon makes the friggin lenses for crying out loud, if they don't take advantage of that well then...

- 60fps video at 1080p (minimum) - Sony's late to the DSLR video game but now they have 60p!

- Full frame sensor! If they just do another 35mm sensor then Canon will be just like the rest with no real differentiator.

- 4K (I doubt it), 3K (even more unlikely), or 2K (most unlikely, but I think would be perfect). 1080 resolution is for delivery not acquisition. I come from the VFX world so it's nice to have a little extra image space to do cropping and stabilization.

- RAW is unlikely but better management of color space and compression is mandatory.

- Decent price point, something below $6K. It's tall order but I want it all.

- Dual sensors, one optimized for daylight and the other optimized for tungsten with some form of HDR - now I'm completely dreaming, but I know Canon could totally do it if they wanted.
"Canon is making an historical global announcement"So what does Canon have planned for November 3, 2011? Something big apparently.